Invisible Chaos Comment Video

-Please keep in mind that this transcription is in no way perfect. I am by no means fluent, however, I have given it a try.-

[Invisible Chaos]曲なんですけども 本当に 今まで ヘビーメタルをずっとやってきて



今回は何か摩天楼オペラを結成した本当に最初このよう思ったようだ 本当に逆行 逆境に立ち向かっていくこのような





そのからを付きが悪くて付きが悪くて何以後悪いこという その気持ちを曲にしてみました


今回は作曲 まあ作曲何回からJaYも参加して「こういうギター引いてね」とかではなくても メンバーとしてJaY見たもんがっつりとできます


そして サポートドラムのHibikiにも作曲何回から参加してもらえきて









The song is ‘’Invisible Chaos’’; really, up till now we’ve been doing heavy metal all the time and so I thought it was time for a song with bright smiles.


This time we sort of (re)formed Matenrou Opera. I think this is really the first time we’re doing it like this, so it seems. It’s like we’re going in reverse- facing an adversary.*


Saying that, I think it became a fast-paced song.


I’ve tried to really put these emotions of feeling unlucky, feeling more unlucky, bad things happening again and again and of the times when you seem defeated by yourself and the times when things turn dark and times when there seems to be jealousy too into the song.


This time with the songwriting, well, since he’s done songwriting before a couple times JaY joined us in it and without it being like ‘’play the guitar like this, alright’’ he was able to do it, using all his might.


And, our support drummer Hibiki kindly participated in our songwriting as well since he’d done that before.


The power of these two young people strikes me.


They could become an even bigger plus to the Matenrou Opera we’ve created up till now and they’ve added a lively color to it.


I believe this song paves the way to the future of our crowded Matenrou Opera.


Definitely, give us a listen please.



*Translator’s note: Sono was playing with words here. Going in reverse = Gyakkou; adversary = Gyakkyou.